Ecommerce Design Corporate, Brand, Industrial

Guarantee Your Website’s Success. Sell more, generate leads, & build your brand with our proven e-commerce experience

As a seasoned E-Commerce director I’ve worked with many teams over the years. Vimi stood out with their results oriented approach, good governance, & strict adherence to deadlines. I look forward to working with them again

Edward Morales
Business Director – ECommerce, Minor Corp
We look forward to helping you launch your new-and-improved ecommerce operations!

B2C & B2B e-commerce in APAC were on fast-growth trajectories before Covid, and the pandemic has given them an incredible boost. E-Commerce is already the fastest growing channel for brands in Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia, and this trend is expected to accelerate further in the coming years. A professionally designed e-commerce website will help you attract new clients, deliver superior customer service, and grow your brand regionally and internationally.

Whether you’re looking to revamp an existing e-commerce shop or launch a brand new one, we’ll help you with:

  • Planning your e-commerce strategy
  • Designing your web store for sales
  • Delivering content for credibility
  • Website development for security, scale and success

Our team has delivered ecommerce projects promoting a wide variety of goods both locally and internationally.

Dunlop is the global leader in tires. We hired Vimi to help us with our Thai website. They delivered the project within the agreed budget & schedule. We’re very happy with the quality of support & service the Vimi team provides us


E-Commerce Design and Development

Enjoy a comprehensive solution built for your needs

When launching a new e-commerce website, time-to-market is always an important consideration. We want to help you launch your e-commerce business as quickly as possible, so we’ve built a comprehensive service offering that supports you as you tackle the four main issues you need to resolve before you can launch:

  • Strategy
  • Design
  • Content
  • Technology

Over the past 10 years we’ve worked with clients to deliver thriving ecommerce websites and applications, and we’ll support you every step of the way towards the successful launch of yours!

Creating Your E-commerce Strategy

Identifying the best way to sell your organization’s products, delivering a great experience to your customers, and perfecting back-off-house operations, are all crucial steps in guaranteeing your e-commerce site is ultimately successful. We’ll help you review these issues, and others, and provide you with valuable insights on how to best address them to meet the concerns of all involved parties. Typical questions to reflect on are:

  • What products to have on offer.
  • What sales volume to expect.
  • How to handle stock, payments, delivery, returns, and other operational issues.
  • How to market the website once it’s up and running.

Designing Your E-Commerce website for Sales

The design of your e-commerce website determines the first impression people will have, not only of your shop, but of your organization as a whole. Moreover, the degree to which your website is “user friendly” directly impacts your sales figures – The easier it is to buy from your website, the more you’ll sell!

We’ll invest as much time as is needed to ensure the design of your e-commerce shop is easy-to-use, visually appealing, and faithful to your branding.

Crafting Content for Commerce

Providing your audience with timely, relevant, and well produced content is the most important element in building your long term e-commerce success. We’ll help you ensure the product information you’re providing on your site is sufficient, useful, and easy to understand.

Ensuring your information is relevant, useful and up-to-date helps your stakeholders feel fully informed, and comfortable with purchaing from your shop. Sharing high quality content about your products and industry is crucial in order to establish yourself as a credible and authoritative brand.

E-Commerce Development for Scale and Success

Making sure the framework behind your new e-commerce shop will also last you a few years down the road is of tantamount importance. After all, you want it to remain relevant and effective for at least a few years. We know that running an e-commerce business is hard enough, so we’ll always recommend tech choices that make things as easy as possible. We’ll always advocate for solutions that are reliable, affordable and secure, and can easily support your likely future growth opportunities.

What’s Included in Your Package?

If you’re launching your first e-commerce shop we recommend focusing your efforts on products, customer service, operations, and marketing. The faster you roll out your website, the faster you’ll gain important insights that add value to your bottom line.

For most use cases the easiest way to get up-and-running as rapidly as possible is to use the reliable and widely popular WordPress and Woocommerce framework to run your operations. Here are some of the benefits of starting out with this tech-stack

  • Choosing Woocommerce-Wordpress guarantees you the peace of mind that comes with going with a market leading solution. This power combo is the platform of choice used for more than 30% of all e-commerce websites.
  • Woocommerce-Wordpress setups are inherently cross-platform, cross-browser and mobile compatible, ensuring your customers enjoy an optimal experience, regardless of the device they’re on..
  • A Woocommerce-Wordpress setup guarantees you the full freedom to build, maintain, run and host your site any way you want, without ever being tied to any single provider for any aspect of your operations.
We normally include the following in your ecommerce website package:
  • Project setup
  • Briefing documents
  • Design
  • Development
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Content upload
  • User acceptance testing
  • Deployment to hosting
  • 6 months no-nonsense warranty

Typical ecommerce sitemap

Successful ecommerce websites often have sitemaps similar to the one

  • Home
  • Shop
    • Best sellers / Bargains / Category #1 / Category #2 / Category #3…etc.
      • Product #1
      • Product #2
      • Product #3…etc.
  • Our locations
  • Blog
    • Story #1
    • Story #2
    • Story #3…etc.
  • About us
    • Vision-Mission-Values
    • History
    • Management team
  • FAQ
  • Contact – Including location map
  • Legalese – Terms and Privacy policy
This successful website map can also offer these features:
  • Live chat
  • Sharing buttons
  • Social media integration
  • Newsletter subscription
  • Multilingual (* – Important for MNCs)
  • For more info on these features, keep reading.
For more information about these features keep reading.

Website feature wishlist

The sitemaps above offer some of the features listed below, and you may want us to also include:
Promotions, discounts, and vouchers
Woocommerce lets you run your promotions and discount campaigns by product, customer, period or volume. Offer discounts on bulk purchases, free shipping, etc.
Sell more with AI personalized product recommendations

Cutting edge AI personalizes and optimizes product recommendations to every shopper on-the-fly and in real-time.

Shipping platform integration(s)

Ship your clients’ orders using Fed-ex, DHL, EMS, etc. and let customers track their orders in real-time.

Tiered pricing

Many B2B businesses need the ability to show different prices to different tiers of buyers. With this add-on you can show any of your known customers, resellers, and agents their agreed pricing, in a secure and safe way.

Repeat orders

Make it easy for clients to repeat previous orders with an “Order Again” button.

Subscription products

Sell subscriptions and charge recurring payments.

Composite products

Offer made-to-order products via ecommerce by empowering your customers to customize their purchases with as many options as needed.

Kits and bundled products

Kit products are made up of a selection of products that can be purchased separately, but are often purchased together.

Country based pricing

Set your products’ pricing to adjust according to your customers’ country of origin.

Merchant marketplaces

This advanced setup enables you to run your store as a multi-vendor marketplace, similar to how Amazon or Lazada operate.

Need more? Just ask!

Not seeing the features you need listed? No worries! Tell us what you’re missing and we’ll figure out how to make it happen.

This is the first time I’m dealing with a partner whose work I can accept immediately. Vimi knows UX very well

Gerald Lim
Assistant VP Digital & Innovation, Central Food Retail Group

How does it work?

Our process follows these principles:

Behavioral design

People love platforms that account for how they feel & think. These are the insights behavioral design provides.

User testing

The compass ensuring a platform’s utility
& appeal is the study of the people using it. The sooner this study is launched, the higher the returns it delivers.

Return on investment

A platform’s success is measured in relation to quantifiable goals. Failure can be useful, when we learn from it.

A project is only ever as good as the brief

One of the most important steps on your path to a new website is your project brief.
A good brief will help you avoid wasted $$$ and missed deadlines.

We know sometimes getting your thoughts in order is hard, so we’re happy to share with you the brief template our team uses, to help you get started.

Remember – The more detailed your answers on the brief questions, the easier things will be for you later on…

Vimi - Client Website Brief

Project Milestones

With a brief firmly in place, the next most determinant factor in your ecommerce website’s success is the delivery process. Over the +10 years we’ve been in operation we’ve developed a successful website delivery workflow, which we will follow for your project – These are your milestones along the way:
E-commerce briefing
E-commerce design
E-commerce content
E-commerce development and quality assurance
E-commerce Delivery and Launch
E-commerce warranty and maintenance

E-commerce briefing

Your e-commerce website design and development starts with a couple of introductory consultations. During these meetings we’ll listen to your briefing and understand your expected goals, scope, and timeline. The purpose of this phase of the project is to allow us to come up with a plan and proposal for the delivery of your e-commerce site, so you can best evaluate working with us.

  • Clarify your e-commerce objectives.
  • Become familiar with whatever is the current situation.
  • Set project success benchmarks that ensure meaningful impact for your organization.
  • Suggest and evaluate technology solutions that best meet your requirements.
  • Establish communication and create dialog with your working team.
  • Project brief summary
  • Quotation for the scope of work including overall plan and schedule for production of your e-commerce website.
  • 1 week

E-commerce design

Once your requirements are clarified and the briefing phase is completed, we’ll prepare a detailed project plan that includes wireframe layouts outlining the content and function of each of your website’s pages. Once these wireframes are approved our designers will propose the user interface for your e-commerce shop based on your brief and corporate identity guidelines.

  • Lock-down e-commerce sitemap.
  • Create design artefacts.
  • Secure steering committee sign-off for the site-map and design.
  • E-commerce brief document detailing the website’s pages and their purpose,
  • Page wireframes outlining how content and function are served by each page.
  • Mock-ups for each page on your e-commerce website for desktop and mobile environments.
  • E-commerce design ready for review within two weeks of brief sign-off.

E-commerce content

We’ll work with you to get your content ready for use on your e-commerce website. You can opt to prepare the texts, pictures, and other content you need, in-house, or let us handle this effort for you. Either way we’ll support you in getting all your materials ready for our developers to start coding up your site.

  • Aggregate any materials expected to be included on your e-commerce website on launch day.
  • Align the content to the planned website pages and the design.
  • Make certain the approved design works in the context of the planned content.
  • Launch day content: product descriptions, supporting texts, images, videos, etc. for each and every page and product planned for the e-commerce website on launch day.
  • Depending on the scope of content you plan to publish on your site on launch day, this process may take a few weeks.

E-commerce development and quality assurance

Our development team can begin working on your e-commerce site as soon as you sign-off on your design, and launch-day content. Once the developers’ work nears completion, we’ll begin quality assurance tests to ensure the website matches the agreed brief, design and content. As soon as our in-house QA team is satisfied with the work, we’ll invite you to start reviewing the deliverables as well.

  • Develop your e-commerce site in accordance with the confirmed scope, design, and content.
  • Integrate whatever 3rd party solutions are required to support your e-commerce operations – e.g. payment gateway, shipping platform, social media, etc.
  • Certify that your e-commerce site matches the approved design, includes the agreed content, and works as specified.
  • Your e-commerce website – ready for testing on our development servers.
  • Website ready for deployment and launch on your hosting
  • 1-2 months

E-commerce Delivery and Launch

Once you confirm your e-commerce website is exactly the way you want it, and meets the design and scope-of-work agreed for the project, we will launch it for you. You can opt to host with any existing provider you work with, or ask us about using our own hosting services. Your team will receive training regarding how to operate your new e-commerce website’s systems.

Congratulations! You’re now up and running with your new e-commerce business!

  • Guarantee a smooth website launch.
  • Facilitate handover of your new e-commerce shop.
  • Make sure your team is confident about running the daily operational tasks required to support your new website.
  • Your e-commerce shop is launched and operates as expected.
  • Delivery of training and a manual for your team regarding the use of your e-commerce website’s operational system.
  • 1 week.

E-commerce warranty and maintenance

We provide, as a standard, a 6 month extendable warranty for bug-fixes for your e-commerce website. Any issues that somehow slipped through our quality assurance and user acceptance testing will be fixed free of charge.

We offer retainer based hosting and support packages for ongoing development and maintenance of your website. These packages guarantee your website, and the software infrastructure it relies on, are regularly updated with the latest security patches and upgrades. You can also utilize these offers to have us update your website’s content or develop new features for you.

  • Ensure the website’s stability.
  • Provide support to “keep the lights on”.
  • Allow for ongoing support.

As agreed in your Service Level Agreement:

  • Security and performance patches and updates.
  • Content updates – including or excluding content creation.
  • Development of new e-commerce features.

Support packages are normally negotiated for periods of 6-24 months.

Trustdock is a leader in digital identity verification.
We chose Vimi to create our global website. They’ve proven a reliable & valued partner that delivers on time & on spec. Vimi go the extra mile looking for ways to support our business, so naturally we’re happy to recommend them as a service provider

Jeff Bates
Global Markets Lead, Trustdock

Who will you be working with?
Your Application Delivery Team

Your app team will be chaired by one of our senior project managers. Your delivery team will report to our managing directors on your project’s progress at least once a week. These processes help us keep delivery smooth and service levels consistent. Your e-commerce website production team is composed of:

Project manager

Your Project Manager is your point of contact for all matters relating to your e-commerce project. They’re accountable for the delivery of your project according to spec and on schedule. They will arrange no less than one weekly meeting with your team to get your needed feedback, and provide you with progress updates.

E-commerce Information Architects

Planning your e-commerce sitemap so that future clients can find the products and information they’re looking for easily and quickly, is the primary role of the information architect. Since these decisions have a massive influence on the success of your site, this task is usually delegated to one of our senior project managers, or a managing partner.

E-commerce UX / UI Designers

The design of your e-commerce website dictates its success in the most direct way possible. Our design team has extensive experience in designing e-commerce pages that drive sales, and shopping carts that reduce abandonment rates. We’ll make sure your site is easy to use, complies with best-practice for web-design, and promotes customers’ perception of your company’s reputation as being credible and professional, all while maintaining your company’s brand guidelines.


Should you hire us to deliver your e-commerce website’s content, we’ll add a copywriter to your delivery team. You can rely on us to write your product descriptions, support materials, and any other content you wish to publish on your website.

If you’d like to hasten the delivery of your project, and don’t have a full-time copywriter as part of your organization, it is usually best to assign content production to our team. Typically projects that are run this way tend to be completed much faster.

E-commerce Developers

Our development teams are highly proficient at building ecommerce websites and apps. Whether you’re looking to build a platform from scratch, using custom code from the ground up, or hoping to roll out a quick pilot to test the waters, we’ve got you covered. You can count on our experience and process to ensure your e-commerce website is launched on time and on budget.

Our global clientele expect us to operate at the peak of efficiency & discretion, & we expect the same from our providers. Vimi delivered our brand design & website, & remain our preferred provider because we know we can rely on them to be there whenever we need them

Joshua Rotbart
Managing Partner, Jrotbart & Co.

Why us?

Our Promise to You

Our team routinely designs, builds and launches successful websites and apps for globally recognized brands, corporations and NGOs. While we’ve specialized in handling industrial clients, our experience ranges across a variety of sectors, giving us a broad understanding for the needs, goals, and expectations of a diverse range of stakeholders.

Over the years we’ve learned a digital project’s success depends on:
  • Communication – Regular and honest dialog allowing stakeholders to share their inputs and concerns in a safe and non-judgemental environment.
  • Dedication – and patience to learn the unique circumstances of the project.
  • Excellence – in content, design, technical delivery and work processes.

We promise we’ll follow these principles in all our dealings with you, in order to build you a website that effectively supports the accomplishment of your goals.

Frequently asked questions

An ecommerce website similar in scope to the one suggested above, including writing and uploading your website’s content*, will require a budget of ~฿449k / U$12.5k.

Note: We normally provide your website with 20 products uploaded already, but you can add as many as you want/need, or ask us to handle more uploads for you.

From the day you give us all the content and images you want on your website, and your deposit is paid, it should take ~3 months for your website to go live.

Yes, we’re very happy to help you prepare the content for your website.

We offer a no-nonsense 6 month extendable warranty that guarantees we fix free of charge and without delay, any bugs that slipped through our pre-launch quality checks.

This free warranty can be extended with hosting and maintenance packages to guarantee your website and its supporting infrastructure run smoothly, and are scheduled for regular updates and upgrades.

Yes, your website is built using WordPress and Woocommerce – The world’s most popular Content Management System and ecommerce platform combo. With your Administrator dashboard access you’ll be able to easily edit, add and remove products, offers and content from your ecommerce website whenever you want.

Vimi’s team collaborates effectively with our in-house team to deliver & enhance our core platforms & apps. We are seeing quantifiable ROI across the board

Eddie Lui
Managing Director, Rabbit Rewards

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