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Bigya is a leading online pharmacy and health product store in Thailand, dedicated to offering a comprehensive selection of over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements, and cosmetic products. With a strong commitment to health and well-being, Bigya ensures that all products are approved by the Thai FDA, guaranteeing safety and quality. The platform stands out for its convenience and the professional advice it provides, offering free consultations with pharmacists to assist customers with their medication needs and health inquiries.

Target audiences

Bigya services people who want easy access to health products, both online, and in brick and mortar situations – Thais and expats seeking medications, supplements, and skin care items. With their friendly staff, and readily accessible pharmacists available for consultation both online and offline, customers can enjoy and benefit from expert advice while shopping, even from home.

Unique Value Proposition

Bigya’s value proposition centers on offering a convenient, reliable online platform where customers can access a wide range of health and wellness products. They provide expert advice through free pharmacist consultations, ensuring that all products meet the safety and quality standards set by the Thai FDA. This blend of convenience, professional support, and quality assurance appeals to individuals looking for a trustworthy source for their health-related purchases online.


The Project - Scope of Work

Bigya engaged VIMI to build an ecommerce site with built-in chat and consultation features (required for selling pharmaceuticals online). The company also offers a rewards platform for shoppers on their website to encourage repeat purchases and loyalty.


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