B2B Website design for a B2B business in prelaunch
March 2017

Business headed by savvy entrepreneurs understands their success hinges on having their lead generation pipeline filled long before the launch date. As such the B2B website design and development for the prelaunch, are a big consideration for these B2B businesses.

Thailand’s booming economy, together with the evolving nature of the entrepreneurial business, are driving a requirement for efficient, quick-setup, low-commitment office and coworking spaces here in Bangkok.

A few months ago we were approached by Heritage Estates on a referral from Hospitality IT Practitioner Jurgen Meyer to help them with a website for their new serviced offices and coworking space brand “Glowfish“.


Room for creativity + appreciative client = Fun B2B website design project

It’s been a real treat of a project as after the initial B2B marketing assessment we were given the mandate to do the content marketing for the brand, as well as website UX design and development.

Since it’s a new venture in a relatively new field of endeavour there’s been significant room for creativity, which was greatly encouraged by both by Mr Wim Somers, MD for Glowfish, and K. Gavin Vongkusolkit, MD for Heritage estates.


B2B websites are designed for credibility

The greatest challenge we faced with this project was the question of how to generate credibility for the business, given the fact that during the time we were building the site space hadn’t been completed yet, and therefore there was no real possibility to show images from the business. Furthermore, the site had to be completed prior to the launch of the business as it was, and obviously still is, a critical part of the marketing for the venture, which also targets overseas companies and entrepreneurs – effectively unreachable via any other form marketing.

Luckily between the decision to incorporate in the footer of the website the logos of signature clients (which include such heavyweights as Google and Lufthansa), and the existence of ample 3D rendering and images from the already active Glowfish Meeting Rooms, it was possible to create a credible site. This initial credibility is further supported by the blogging and PR activity undertaken by the client, which gives a sense of a lively and active business.


Take away:

  • Creativity is its own reward – When you’re working with creative professionals you’ll be amazed by how much appreciation and investment you can get in your project if you simply give your provider space to be creative, and remember to be appreciative of work well done.
  • Credibility is critical – A website MUST be perceived as being credible if it’s to generate any value for the business.
  •  Credibility can be generated in many ways – The basis of your website’s credibility begins with a clean professional looking design. You can further boost this by: showing logos and testimonials from impressive clients or associations you belong to, listing press coverage of your business, or even including a video of yourself presenting your business.
  • Does this add credibility? This simple question should be asked anytime you’re considering an addition to your website. The result of any tweak should always be an increase in the perceived credibility of your B2B website and business.
  • Generating a conversion on your website begins with establishing trust with your users.

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