Fueling Brand Success with Online Marketing – The Ecocamel Case Study
August 2019

“With online marketing, we spend much less than before and get better ROI” – Guy Cinnamon, EcoCamel

EcoCamel, is a UK based designer and manufacturer of state-of-the-art showerheads. The company spent 3 years developing a luxury showerhead that not only delivers a premium shower experience, but also reduces water wastage by as much as 30%. The primary target audiences for their products are hospitality providers, hardware resellers, property developers, and direct B2C sales.


The Challenge of Selling Online

After spending so much time and effort on perfecting the product, EcoCamel now faced a new set of challenges – it was an unknown brand trying to reach a target audience that was completely unaware their category of products even existed!

Armed with newly printed flyers and brochures, the team hit the road and started on the trade show circuit. It quickly became apparent that as soon as people were made aware and able to understand the benefits of EcoCamel’s showerheads, they were happy to buy – but there’s only so much market you can cover with a physical presence, and tradeshows are costly affairs.

It was obvious that for international scaling, and in particular for breaking into the US markets, online was the way to go, but how?

After a few unsuccessful tries with agencies, EcoCamel cofounders Guy and Ofir, reached out to Vimi to help create a strategy that would tackle the challenges ahead.


Moving Marketing Budgets for Better ROI

Using the budgets formerly invested in tradeshows and print, Vimi relaunched EcoCamel’s online efforts. The initial phase was exploratory. The teams worked together to identify and adapt the pitching tactics that had worked so well in the tradeshows, to an online environment.

Guy Cinnamon, one of EcoCamel’s co-founders remembers this about this phase: “Even the earliest results of moving to online marketing were great. We started spending a lot less on marketing than we had with print media, where costs of full-page ads with limited effectiveness, quickly racked up. The techniques the Vimi team leveraged for our online marketing yield far better results”.


A Strategy for Online Marketing Success

Based on an analysis of EcoCamel’s goals, audiences, products and budget, Vimi crafted an online strategy leveraging the following components to drive the success of each individual targeted campaign:


Develop Niche Markets

One of the most commonly touted but least leveraged advantages online offers over “traditional” marketing is the ability to hyper target unique niche audiences. Vimi and Ecocamel worked hard to identify niche audiences likely to benefit from EcoCamel’s offer. EcoCamel’s product benefits insfoar as efficient use of water to create high pressure showers, meant that RVs (with their limited supply of water) were a promising target, which was indeed leveraged with great success.


Facebook Ads

Facebook’s incredibly detailed demographic targeting, coupled with the in-house understanding EcocCamel had for the audiences most likely to buy their products, allowed Vimi to pinpoint target audiences with great accuracy, and to great effect. Facebook’s strong support for advertisers images and videos played an important part in providing customers with a fair understanding of the offering, with a single glance. The banner below is a good example of the type of hyper targeting and split second salesmanship we’re talking about.


Google AdWords

Google’s Adwords remains the most effective form of advertising ever conceived.

The importance and value of being able to target audiences at the precise moment of relevance, especially for niche audiences, where it’s easier to rise above competition, cannot be overstated.

For the RV audience phrases such as “Buy water saving showerhead” and “Buy showerhead for RV” were obvious choices.



We’ve discussed and explained remarketing before.

Using this advanced targeting tactic, Vimi targeted ads directly at potential customers who had already visited EcoCamel’s website but had perhaps not completed a purchase.

For premium products like EcoCamel’s showerheads, impulse purchase is uncommon, which makes the repeated exposure remarketing delivers highly effective.


Monitoring and Stabilizing CPA & ROI

While the above tactics proved in hindsight to be effective, it’s only because in the background of the activities a constant and ongoing effort is maintained to monitor and confirm cost-per-acquisition (CPA) and return-on-investment (ROI). Vimi’s experts liaison weekly with the EcoCamel team to ensure online advertising spend actually delivers a constant return in sales.

As more data is collected, and new markets are identified and tapped, the messaging and tactics of the online campaigns are tweaked and optimized to match.

The primary keys to successful campaigns remain constant:

  • Niche audiences where product and offers provide clear and obvious benefits must be continuously identified and targeted.
  • Marketing materials must be designed and delivered with the understanding that unless they allow potential customers to formulate a clear understanding of the product’s key benefits within split seconds, they’re pretty much useless in the low-attention span environment we all live in.

Want to Learn More?

Looking for online marketing?

Perhaps you’ve tried with Google AdWords and Facebook Ads with little effect?

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