B2B website design – HR company case study
September 2016

I have a rather pragmatic view of the world in general and B2B website design in particular. That’s why we like working with B2B companies (see our latest case study for example).

It’s an axiom of business that it’s easier to maintain a client than to find a new one. A business relationship will be maintained as long as it generates empiric value for all parties, and actions speak louder than words.

This was the foundation of our relationship with one of our HR provider clients.


B2B Website design and digital marketing case study

We first started working with the client 18 months ago, on a referral from Mr Shane Torr. The company was looking to replace their website design agency and Shane, who’d heard me give a presentation nearly a year before, thought Vimi might be a good fit.

The initial brief was friendly, firm, and very clear insofar as expectations were concerned. We were excited about the opportunity because the client was very much our textbook customer – an Asian B2B company providing services to household name multinational corporations.

After an exchange of a few emails, we got the contract and proceeded to work with the marketing team towards the launch of their new B2B website Design.

Subsequently to the website’s successful launch, we were awarded the contract to manage the company’s digital marketing. The agreed scope for content marketing was:

  • Publishing and managing a blog
  • Publishing and managing newsletters
  • Boosting the companies search engine rankings
  • Consulting and support

A year has passed since we first started working with the company to improve their online marketing and we now have the unique opportunity to present a clear and documented case study of the actual return on investment delivered:

Search engine optimization ROI

Over the past year we helped our client target +60 key-phrases related  to their industry:

  • 96.7% of the targeted key phrases achieved ranking improvements.
  • 46.6% achieved rankings within the top 20 results.
  • 18.3% achieved the #1 ranking.


B2B website design ROI – 192% traffic increase YOY

The improvement in rankings for relevant key phrases has triggered a massive 192% increase in inbound traffic over the past year, and while some of that increase could potentially be attributed to other sources, a deeper analysis of month over month stats shows a clear correlation between the increase in search traffic volume, and the increase in traffic.


50% increase in revenue YOY

One could (and should) ask: “Well how does all this translate into closed business and an increase for the bottom line?” Our client has allowed us to quote him them saying they’ve seen a 50% increase in business year over year.

We continue to work with this client on multiple projects


Afterword – The REALLY Important Stuff

I started this post with a statement regarding my pragmatic perspectives. I’d like to wrap up and say that over the past year and a half we’ve built a strong and trusting relationship with this client – it’s a case where both teams truly enjoy meeting each other and working together – #win!


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